2018 Summer Newsletter


Former South African Constitutional Court Judge to Keynote Panel’s Anniversary Celebration

Former South African Constitutional Court Judge Albie Sachs will keynote an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Inspection Panel’s establishment by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors. Appointed by then South African President Nelson Mandela in 1994, Mr. Sachs served 15 years on the court. An architect of South Africa’s post-apartheid constitution, Judge Sachs has been an ardent supporter of democratic institutions and vulnerable communities throughout his lifetime.


The Panel’s anniversary event and a reception will be held on November 14 at 5 p.m. in the Wolfensohn Atrium at World Bank headquarters.  The event is one of three the Panel is holding to commemorate its anniversary. On November 13 and 14, it will host the 15th Annual Meeting of the Independent Accountability Mechanisms Network, and on November 15 it will join with the American University Washington College of Law to organize a conference on accountability at international financial institutions.

Further updates about the anniversary event will be posted on the Panel’s website.

Panel Launches New Website

The Panel on September 25, 2018, launched a new, more mobile-friendly version of its website. The website includes information on current and past cases, an explanation in multiple languages of the Panel’s work and how affected communities can contact the Panel and file a complaint, brief biographies of Panel members and staff, an update on Panel developments, and links to Panel publications and videos. The URL for the website, www.inspectionpanel.org, has not changed. Readers can access the website by clicking here.


Panel to Take Part in Events at IMF-WBG Annual Meetings in Bali

The Inspection Panel will team with the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) to host two events during the International Monetary Fund-World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Bali in October. On Monday, October 8, Executive Secretary Dilek Barlas will represent the Panel at a workshop to explain the operations of the Panel and CAO to civil society representatives from Indonesia. Later in the week, on Thursday, October 11, Panel Chairman Gonzalo Castro de la Mata will take part in a session at the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) titled, “Accountability 2030 in the Asia Region: Lessons Learned from CAO and IPN Cases and the Way Forward.” Ms. Barlas will also take part in the CSPF’s CSO orientation on Tuesday, October 9.



DRC: Second Additional Financing for the High-Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance Project – Board Approves Management Action Plan Following Panel Investigation

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on September 7, 2018, approved Bank management’s revised action plan in response to the Inspection Panel’s investigation of the second additional financing for the project in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Board had considered the Panel’s Investigation Report on July 17, 2018, and at that time asked Bank management to update its response and proposed action plan to better reflect the steps it had taken and planned to take to address the Panel’s findings.  Management sent its revised action plan to the Board on August 27, 2018.  More

Uganda: Water Management and Development, and Energy for Rural Transformation Phase III Projects – Board Approves Panel Recommendation to Investigate

The Board on September 19, 2018, approved the Panel’s recommendation to investigate alleged issues of harm and related potential non-compliance plausibly linked to the two projects. The Panel is now preparing its Investigation Plan. More

India: Proposed Amaravati Sustainable Capital City Development Project – Board Approves Panel Deferral of Investigation Recommendation

The Board on July 13, 2018, approved a Panel decision to defer for a second time its recommendation on whether an investigation is warranted of the proposed project. The Panel proposed to report back to the Board after nine months or when Bank management authorizes the appraisal of the proposed project, whichever arises earlier. More 

Mongolia: Mining Infrastructure Investment Support Project and its Additional Financing (MINIS) – Board Approves Panel Recommendation Not to Investigate

The Board on August 6, 2018, approved the Panel’s recommendation not to investigate the project. In making that recommendation, the Panel found management’s efforts to date and its commitments evidence of its intention to ensure that the respective project-related assessments and their consultations are conducted in line with Bank policies and procedures. More 

Lebanon: Water Supply Augmentation Project and the Greater Beirut Water Supply Project and its Additional Financing – Panel Registers Request for Inspection

The Inspection Panel on September 12, 2018, registered a Request for Inspection of the Water Supply Augmentation Project and the Greater Beirut Water Supply Project and its Additional Financing in Lebanon. More

Tajikistan: Private Sector Competitiveness Project – Notice of Non-Registration Issued

The Panel on July 24, 2018, issued a Notice of Non-Registration in response to a Request for Inspection of the project, finding that there was no plausible link between the project and the alleged harm. More 



The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by a World Bank-funded project. The Board of Executive Directors created the Inspection Panel in 1993 to ensure that people have access to an independent body to express their concerns and seek recourse. The Panel is an impartial fact-finding body, independent from the World Bank management and staff, reporting directly to the Board. The Inspection Panel process aims to promote accountability at the World Bank, give affected people a greater voice in activities supported by the World Bank that affect their rights and interests, and foster redress when warranted.

Copyright © 2018, The Inspection Panel, World Bank, All rights reserved.
The Inspection Panel, The World Bank, MSN : MC 10-1007, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433.