Launching Session - Emerging Lessons Series 2 : Indigenous Peoples' Cases

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The Inspection Panel on October 4 released the second report in its Emerging Lessons Series. The report, which detailed lessons from Panel cases involving indigenous peoples, was released at a side event to the International Monetary Fund-World Bank Group Annual Meetings. Panel Chairman Gonzalo Castro de la Mata presented the main findings of the report at the event, which was chaired by Melanie Robinson, World Bank executive director. Maninder Gill, director with the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice, and Albert Barume, chairperson/president of the UN Expert Mechanism of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples also took part in the event. The report series identifies lessons emerging from the Panel’s 22-year caseload. The initial report in the series, which identified lessons from cases related to involuntary resettlement, was released in April. Subsequent reports will cover environmental and social assessment, and issues related to consultation, participation and disclosure of information.

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