Panel Chairperson Mark Goldsmith Discusses Panel's Work, Just Transition and Climate Action at Overseas Development Institute

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Inspection Panel Chairperson Mark Goldsmith was invited to speak to researchers at the London headquarters of ODI, a global affairs think tank founded in 1960 “to inspire people to act on injustice and inequality through collaborative research and ideas that matter for people and the planet.”

Goldsmith described the Panel’s history and structure, and provided examples of cases in seven countries on three continents. He also highlighted the publication of nine emerging lessons and advisories. In addition, the Panel Chair shared the World Bank’s new vision and mission under President Ajay Banga. He cited the Bank’s ambitious goal to target 45% of its annual financing to climate by next year and noted that future climate-related requests for inspection could be linked to greenhouse gas emissions or climate adaptation He described findings and lessons learned from Panel’s investigation of the West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project in Togo, including the need for environmental assessment to consider the project’s impact over the appropriate geographic area over the long term. 

Goldsmith concluded his presentation by observing that two-way consultation can help impacted communities towards a Just Transition, that is, the process of addressing climate change and greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone concerned.  Goldsmith’s talk at one of the world’s preeminent research institutes on international development is part of a series of communications and outreach activities aimed at raising public awareness of the Panel’s vital role in promoting accountability and lessons learned from its activities. 

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