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Feedback Period on Draft Report: External Review of the Board Approved Reforms to the Inspection Panel Toolkit and Creation of the World Bank Accountability Mechanism

The public may provide feedback on the draft report prepared by an independent External Review Team to inform the IBRD/IDA Executive Directors’ (the Board) consideration of the assessment on the effectiveness, efficiency, as well as operational and development impact of the implementation of the 2018 and 2020 Reforms to the Inspection Panel (IPN) Toolkit, and creation of the WB Accountability Mechanism (AM).  Comments should be sent in writing (to the email address below) by no later than August 1, 2024. 

For more information, you can visit: 

Written comments should be addressed to the External Review Team at

The draft report represents the views of the External Review Team only and not that of the Accountability Mechanism and its constituent parts, the Inspection Panel and Dispute Resolution Service.

The draft report does not affect any ongoing cases.