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Panel Registers the Request for Inspection from Pakistan Khyber Pass Economic Corridor Project; Issues Notice of Registration

On July 8, 2024, the Inspection Panel registered the Request for Inspection submitted by 448 community members from Pakistan and has issued a Notice of Registration. This Request claims harm to the community members due to the World Bank-financed Khyber Pass Economic Corridor Project in Pakistan. The Notice of Registration can be read here.

The Requesters have alleged that Project activities associated with the proposed Southern Link Road alignment will result in “mass displacement”, and the loss of housing, food security and livelihoods. The Request raises concerns about the determination of compensation amounts for Project-affected people and the timeliness of compensation payments, and a lack of meaningful consultation on the road alignment changes.  The Request also alleges about the negative impact the road corridor will have on traditional values and culture, particularly to female members of their community. Concerns are also raised about the potential relocation of private graveyards and the negative environmental impacts including an increase in noise pollution throughout the construction and operational stages of the Project.

The Panel’s registration implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of the Request. As a next step in the Panel process, the World Bank Management provides the Panel with a response to the issues raised in the Request within 21 business days of registration, i.e., by August 6, 2024. Learn more here.