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Panel Takes Part in Events at IMF-WBG Annual Meetings in Bali

The Inspection Panel took part in four events at last week’s International Monetary Fund-World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Bali.


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On Monday, October 8, Executive Secretary Dilek Barlas explained the Panel’s origins and operations to about 40 community representatives from Indonesia at a civil society workshop co-sponsored by the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO). The following day Ms. Barlas represented the Panel at the accountability portion of the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) orientation.



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On Wednesday, October 10, Panel Member Imrana Jalal participated in forum session sponsored by APCOM on relationships between LGBTQI groups and multilateral development banks. A day later Panel Chairman Gonzalo Castro de la Mata spoke at a CSPF session co-sponsored by CAO and chaired by World Bank Executive Director Susan Ulbaek on the topic of accountability in Asia.